简化字中文圣经 (和合本) Online Chinese Bible in simplified characters (CUV)
1. 圣经阅读 chapter-by-chapter readings: http://www.o-bible.com/gb/hgb.html
2. 下载整个书 complete books for download:
创世记 | Genesis | 以赛亚书 | Isaiah | 罗马书 | Romans |
出埃及记 | Exodus | 耶利米书 | Jeremiah | 哥林多前书 | 1 Corinthians |
利未记 | Leviticus | 耶利米哀歌 | Lamentations | 哥林多后书 | 2 Corinthians |
民数记 | Numbers | 以西结书 | Ezekiel | 加拉太书 | Galatians |
申命记 | Deuteronomy | 但以理书 | Daniel | 以弗所书 | Ephesians |
约书亚记 | Joshua | 何西阿书 | Hosea | 腓立比书 | Philippians |
士师记 | Judges | 约珥书 | Joel | 歌罗西书 | Colossians |
路得记 | Ruth | 阿摩司书 | Amos | 贴撒罗尼迦前书 | 1 Thessalonians |
撒母耳记上 | 1 Samuel | 俄巴底亚书 | Obadiah | 贴撒罗尼迦后书 | 2 Thessalonians |
撒母耳记下 | 2 Samuel | 约拿书 | Jonah | 提摩太前书 | 1 Timothy |
列王纪上 | 1 Kings | 弥迦书 | Micah | 提摩太后书 | 2 Timothy |
列王纪下 | 2 Kings | 那鸿书 | Nahum | 提多书 | Titus |
历代志上 | 1 Chronicles | 哈巴谷书 | Habakkuk | 腓利门书 | Philemon |
历代志下 | 2 Chronicles | 西番雅书 | Zephaniah | 希伯来书 | Hebrews |
以撕拉记 | Ezra | 哈该书 | Haggai | 雅各书 | James |
你希米记 | Nehemiah | 撒迦利亚书 | Zechariah | 彼得前书 | 1 Peter |
以撕贴记 | Esther | 玛拉基书 | Malachi | 彼得后书 | 2 Peter |
约伯记 | Job | 马太福音 | Matthew | 约翰一书 | 1 John |
诗篇 | Psalms | 马可福音 | Mark | 约翰二书 | 2 John |
箴言 | Proverbs | 路家福音 | Luke | 约翰三书 | 3 John |
传道书 | Ecclesiastes | 约翰福音 | John | 犹大书 | Jude |
雅歌 | Song of Solomon | 使徒行传 | Acts | 启示录 | Revelation |
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中文圣经版本的对比 Comparison of Chinese Bible versions
和合本 串珠附简介。简化字现代标点。另有经文汇编。 |
和合本汉英 简化字现代标点。国内定价28元。 |
和合本-新国际版对照 中英对照。香港圣经书房。繁体字。没有页脚。 |
现代中文译本 现代标准口语。比较准确的翻译。包括特别短的简介,页脚。 |
现代本汉英 繁体字。在新西兰流行。
新译本中英 环球圣经公会的新翻译,1992。简化子。 |
当代圣经 |
CUV Chinese Union Version. Standard version in China. Comprehensive introduction to each book, marginal references. Full concordance available. | CUV-NRSV parallel text. Simplified characters and standard punctuation Footnote refs for New Testament quotes of Old but otherwise no marginal references. | CUV-NIV parallel text. Only available in Hong Kong. Now available in both simplified and traditional characters.Quotation footnotes to English text only. | TCV, Today's Chinese Version. Accurate and much easier to read than CUV but not as respected. Now available through State churches in China. No footnotes or references. | TCV-TEV parallel text. Only bilingual edition of TCV available, but only available in traditional characters. Popular in New Zealand. TCV more accurate than pairing with TEV suggests. | NCV New Chinese Version. Halfway between CUV and TCV. Available in NCV-ESV bilingual version. Only available in Hong Kong. Simplified characters. Book introductions but no refs. | Chinese Living Bible CLB, published by International Bible Society of New York 1979. Paraphrase with few redeeming qualities. Available in both simplified and traditional characters. |