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圣 经 探 险 者 第 七 课


Lesson 7 Reading: Genesis 9-11
第七课 阅读创世纪9-11

The Rainbow and its Significance (Genesis 9:8-17)

After the flood God again spoke to Noah and his sons, this time telling them that He would never again destroy all living creatures with a flood. The rainbow was to be the token of this covenant that He had made (Genesis 9:8-10). God said, "I do set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between Me and the earth" (v13).

A covenant is "a binding agreement or promise", and as this covenant is made by God Himself, then there is no doubt that it will be fulfilled. The rainbow then is a token, sign or reminder of this covenant that God made. The wonder of the rainbow is that when we see it in the heavens at the time of rain God Himself is also beholding it, for He said, "I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth" (v16).

The rainbow should also cause us to realise that God will not continually tolerate wickedness and ungodliness upon the earth. It should remind us that God has judged the world in the past and that He will again judge it as He has foretold (Acts 17:31; 2 Peter 3:3-7; Matthew 24:37-39). The judgement at the return of Christ will not be by flood but with an exhibition of divine power that will include catastrophic destruction through earthquake (Ezekiel 38:18-23; Joel 3:12-16; Zechariah 14:1-5). All wise-hearted people will appreciate that God has provided a way to escape this judgement to come and will seek to avail themselves of it (1 Peter 3:20-21; Mark 16:15-16).

The Period from the Flood to Abraham (Genesis 9 - 11)

The period from the flood to the time when Abram left Ur was a period of 427 years. During this time man again turned from God and pursued a form of idolatry that brought forth Gods judgements upon them.

Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. The descendants who came from these three sons are set out in Genesis 10. In reading through these lines of descent one person is set forth in particular in the line of Ham. Ham begat Cush and Cush begat Nimrod (Genesis 10:6-8). This Nimrod was a "mighty one in the earth" (v8) and in his military might he set up a kingdom. This is the first kingdom mentioned in the Bible and it had its capital at Babel (margin "Greek, Babylon"), in the land of Shinar (v10). Thus Nimrod ascribed to himself power and authority over his fellow man and ruled them. This kingdom became the seat of apostate worship which still persisted in the days of Daniel the prophet (Daniel 1:1-2).
挪亚有三个儿子,就是闪,含和亚弗。他们的后代在创纪第10章中论及。在我们看到这些支系时,有一个人在含这一系中需特别提到。含生古实,古实生宁录(创世纪106-8)。这个宁录是“世上英勇的人”(第8节),并建立国。这是圣经中提到的第一个国,它以巴别为都(希腊语“马比伦” ),在示拿地(第10节)。因此宁录以他的权威凌驾于他的子民之上并统治他们。这个国成了异教徒崇拜的地方,一直到先知但以理时期仍然如此(但以理书11-2)。

In the New Testament Babylon is used to typify that apostate Christian religious system which rules the earth today but which will be destroyed at the return of Christ (Revelation 14:8; 17:5; 18:2,10,21).

The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)

In the days following the flood "the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech" (v1). Mankind had settled in the fertile plains of the Euphrates River in the area of ancient Babylon. Very soon they turned to their own methods to unify their activities. This policy also included a false form of worship. Their aim was to build "a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven" (v4). 那时,“天下人的口音,言语都是一样”(第1节)。他们在古巴比伦幼发拉底河附近富饶的平原上居住。很快地,他们以自己的方法寻求统一,其中包括了一个错误的崇拜形式。他们的目的是“建造一座城和一座塔,塔顶通天”(第4节)。babel.JPG (15208 bytes)

What was the root cause for this human inventiveness that produced this policy for unification and worship? God had set forth the way in which He was to be worshipped. If they followed Him then they would be unified as His people. He was their King; they did not need a man-made kingdom like that which Nimrod established. 造成这些人制定这种统一和这种崇拜形式的根源是什么呢?神已设立了他接受崇拜的方式,如人遵循他的方式则成为神的子民,他是他们的王;他们不需要人建立的王国。


Verse 44

"whose top may reach unto heaven" The words "may reach" are not in the Hebrew. It is felt that the top of the tower was decorated with signs similar to those of the zodiac which astrologers derived from the heavenly bodies. Archaeologists have found in the region of Babylon ziggurats (religious towers that, it was felt, took the worshippers closer to the heavens as they worshipped the heavenly bodies).

"Let us make us a name" The purpose was that man in his foolish pride wanted to make a name for himself (Psalm 49:11-13).“让我们传扬我们的名”。这目的是人由于愚蠢的骄傲企图传扬他们自己的名(诗篇4911-13)。

Verse 66

"which they have imagined to do" Here was the root of the problem again defined. It was the "imagination of the thoughts of the heart" that produced the evil that brought forth the judgement of the flood (Genesis 6:5). God had identified this problem again in Genesis 8:21 for "the imagination of mans heart is evil from his youth". Now their evil hearts had "imagined" to establish a religious worship that would unite man politically and religiously. God realised that if He did not stop this, then there would be no restraint to their wickedness.

God therefore acted by confusing their language which caused them to be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth in groups which spoke the same language. This of course brought an end to their building project, and resulted in the division of the nations as we see it today.

Verse 9 9

"therefore is the name of it called Babel" The margin notes that the word has the idea of "confusion". Where it occurs in Genesis 10:10 the margin notes that in the Greek it is termed "Babylon". We have in the English the word "babble" which means the unintelligible sound of many voices, none of which can be clearly distinguished. As we have mentioned, this word became the foundation title for the first Kingdom of men to be established on the earth. “所以那城名叫巴别”。注释中解释“babel”意为“变乱”。在创世纪1010中,希腊语称之为“巴比伦”,英文中,我们用“babble”一词表示各种不清楚的声音。所有这些声音很难区分。如我们前面提到的,这一词成为人在地上建立的第一个国家的名称。

How appropriate that all the efforts of man to establish his own form of government or rulership have failed. They will always prove futile for "it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps" (Jeremiah 10:23). That is why Gods solution is to send forth His Son to establish the Kingdom of God on this earth (Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9-10).人建立自己的政府和统治的努力失败了,这是合宜的。这种企图总是无效果的,因为“行路的人也不能定自己的脚步”(耶利米书1023)。所以神派他的儿子在地上建立神的国(但以理书244;马太福音69-10)。

Gods Plan to Unify Mankind

Although God scattered mankind by confusing and dividing their language it is His ultimate purpose to bring a unity out of every nation, tongue and people through the gospel (Rev 5:9-10). Jesus instructed his disciples: "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved" (Mark 16:15-16).

This great work of spreading the gospel to all languages and peoples commenced on the Day of Pentecost when Peter and the apostles were given the ability by the power of the Holy Spirit to speak in the various languages of the assembled multitude gathered in Jerusalem at that time (Acts 2:1-11). 五旬节时,当彼得与其他门徒在耶路撒冷聚集时,被圣灵充满,按着圣灵所赐的口才说起各国的话,从那时起就开始了传播福音给万民的伟大工作(使徒行传21-11)。

Those who responded to the message of Peter and the apostles were baptised (Acts 2:41). Thus commenced the spread of the gospel which unites men and women of all nationalities into the one family of God through Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16). Later the Apostle Paul was specifically chosen to take the gospel to the Gentiles (non Jews) (Acts 9:15; Rom 15:15-16).

Summary Points

  • The period from the Flood to Abraham saw the development of the first Kingdom initiated by man in opposition to Gods rule (Genesis 10:10). * 洪水到亚伯拉罕这一时期中,一个与神所对立的,人所建立的王国发展起来(创世纪1010

  • Nimrod commenced the Kingdom of Babylon, the roots of which will not be eradicated from the earth until the Kingdom of God replaces all forms of mans rule from the earth (Revelation 14:8; 17:5; 18:2,10,21).* 宁录开创了巴比伦王国,只有在神的国取代了人的统治时,这一根源才从地上被除灭(启示录14817518221021)。

  • The gospel message is designed to gather people out of all nations into the one family of God (Mark 16:15-16; Romans 1:16).* 福音的信息是使人从各个国回归到神的国中(马可福音1615-16;罗马书116)。

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