圣 经 探 险 者 第 五 课



Genesis 4

After Adam and Eve were driven from the garden of Eden, Eve gave birth to two sons, first Cain and then Abel. We are given specific details of the occupations that these two men pursued. Abel was a shepherd, whereas Cain was involved in horticulture (v1-2).

Verse 3 3

"In process of time" The marginal note is "Heb. at the end of days". What is being indicated is that there was a set time for them to approach God in worship.

"Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord" Possibly Cain selected the best of the fruits of the ground which he had cultivated for this offering. He was sure that God would accept what he wanted to offer Him.

Verse 44

abel.JPG (9079 bytes)"Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof" These details indicate that not only did Abel understand that he was to offer an animal, but he knew that God had decreed the way for acceptable worship. He understood that the fat must be offered, which became a special feature later of the sacrificial code under the Law of Moses (Leviticus 3:16-17). Likewise the offering of the firstborn was a feature of that Law (Exodus 13:2, 12-25). It would appear that these details were explained to both Cain and Abel and thus Abel was acting in obedience and understanding of Gods instructions.

"The Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering" We should note the order that is set out here. The Lord first had respect to Abel, that is to the spirit that motivated him in his worship; then He had respect to the offering because it represented Abels understanding and obedience to his God. We must realise that God did not require the sacrifice of animals as an end in itself (Psalm 50:8-14). What God required was a heart that understood the significance of sacrifice.

Verse 55cain.JPG (11880 bytes)

"But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect" Again we note that God "had not respect" first to Cain, that is to the frame of mind with which he brought his offering, and then to the offering itself which was unacceptable.“只是看不中该隐和他的供物”。我们再次注意到神首先看不中该隐,即看不中他选这些供物的思想,其次才是他的供物。

What are the Lessons for Us? 对我们的教训是什么?

We have already seen these same principles set out in Genesis 3. After Adam and Eve sinned they invented their own covering for their nakedness. (We saw there that nakedness was typical of sin.) God showed that the covering of fig leaves for sin was unacceptable to Him. God had been wronged and it was He alone who could establish the basis for forgiveness.

The word "religion" means "to rebind" and therefore to restore a person into fellowship with God. This basis for restoration is not for man to formulate but for God to set forth. The many forms of religion that we see about us today are the result of mans reasoning on how God might want us to be restored to fellowship with Him. Sadly the majority are as unacceptable to God for a covering for sin as was the fig leaf clothing of Adam and Eve.

God set forth the basis for covering of sin when in Genesis 3:21 He provided "coats of skins and clothed them". God determined that "the shedding of blood" would be the basis for forgiveness (Hebrews 9:22). The Lord Jesus Christ was foreshadowed in the lamb slain to provide their covering (1 Peter 1:19-20; Revelation 13:8). When Cain and Abel approached God in worship they needed to acknowledge this principle, and see that they were sinners in need of the covering God would provide.

Such an offering was offered in faith by Abel and his faith was acceptable in Gods sight: "By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain" (Hebrews 11:4; Matthew 23:35). Paul points out that "without faith it is impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11:6 ). Cain however had determined that he would offer what he thought God should accept. Possibly it was the very best of his fruits, but it was not what God required. Cains offering was motivated by his pride, and not by faith and obedience. His offering was therefore not accepted.

Verse 77

"if thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?" God pleaded with Cain to humble himself and obey Him by offering what was required. However Cain was eaten out with hatred for his brother and he murdered him (v8). "And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brothers righteous" (1 John 3:10-12; Jude 11).

The Family of Cain Contrasted with that of Seth (Genesis 4 and 5)

After the death of Abel, Adam and Eve had another son named Seth (Genesis 4:25-26). The genealogies of these two sons are set out in detail for us. Cains genealogy is recorded in Genesis 4:17-23; Seths is found in Genesis 5.  See Picture of Genealogy

There is one point that is noteworthy. The seventh from Adam in Cains line was Lamech. Of him it is recorded that he was the first polygamist (having more than one wife) in the Bible (v19). Also he was a vengeful man, threatening to physically punish anyone who withstood him (v23). However in the line of Seth the seventh from Adam was Enoch (Genesis 5:21-24). It is recorded of him that he "walked with God". We are also told that he was a prophet of God and spoke against the ungodliness that was so widespread in the earth (Jude 14-15). In contrast to the prevalent wickedness in the line of Cain, there were those who, like Enoch, endeavoured to walk in Gods ways (Hebrews 11:5).

The Seed of the Serpent and the Seed of the Woman Develop
蛇的后裔与女人的后裔descends.JPG (18789 bytes)

Thus we see that the principle of Genesis 3:15, where there would be two seeds spring forth in the world, has now well developed. There were those who lived to gratify their lusts (the seed of the serpent), and those like Enoch who endeavoured to walk in the ways of God. Between these two classes there was that enmity that God had foretold. That enmity will always exist between those who follow the ways of sin and those who strive to obey God and keep His ways.

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Summary Points

  • The only acceptable worship is that which is exactly in accordance with Gods revealed will, and is motivated by our faith (Hebrews 11:4,6).

  • We see the development of the seed of the serpent in Cain (1 John 3:10-12; Jude 11), and the seed of the woman in Abel who was motivated by faith (Hebrews 11:4; Matthew 23:35).我们从该隐身上看到了蛇的后裔(约翰一书310-12;犹大书11),并从亚伯身上看到了充满信的心女人的后裔(希伯来书114;马太福音2335)。


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