圣 经 探 险 者 第 三 课


Reading: Genesis 1 & 2
第三课 阅读:创世纪1§2-

Whereas we are not given details of the creation of the fish, fowl or animals, we are given both the reason for the creation of man (Genesis 1:26-30), and the manner in which he was formed (Genesis 2:7). We are also given the details of how woman was made and the reason for this (Genesis 2:18-25). In this study we will consider these details.

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The Purpose for the Creation of Man (Genesis 1:26-30)
We read: "And God said, let us make man': The Hebrew word used here for God is "Elohim" and means "mighty or powerful ones". It is a plural word derived from the Hebrew word "El" meaning "power". This word "El" is often rendered "God" throughout the Bible (e.g.
Psalm 90:2; Isaiah 40:18). The word "Elohim" can be used to speak of angels, and in fact is used this way in Psalm 8:5 which is a commentary on Genesis 1:26. Thus the angels "that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of His word" (Psalm 103:20) were entrusted with the formation of man.

* See additional notes in appendix at the end of this lesson - "And God said, let us make man"—见本课未尾附录-“神说,让我们创造人类”。

Verse 26
"In our image, after our likeness" We learn that man was created with a specific purpose in mind.

"image" This word relates to physical shape or form. Because man has been made in the physical likeness of the angels, angels have at times been mistaken for men when they have appeared (Genesis 18:1; cp 19:1; Joshua 5:13-15). This similitude to the angels brings a responsibility upon man (James 3:9; Genesis 9:6).

"likeness" This word has reference to mental capacity. Man differs from the animals in that he can reason on a moral plane. He can comprehend spiritual ideas and therefore is capable of reflecting the moral glory of God. No animal can do this. This feature of man's mental capacity is the basis upon which God deals with man. He has the capacity to understand and therefore perform the will of God (1 Corinthians 11:7).

"let them have dominion" God's intention was that man, by reflecting God's moral likeness through a loving and faithful obedience to Him, would have dominion over the works of His creation. We know that man sinned against God. Instead of man having dominion, sin had dominion over him. In Psalm 8, already referred to, we see that God's ultimate purpose for man to have dominion over creation has not changed. However, the method to achieve this now involves the work of the Lord Jesus Christ who, having overcome sin and death through his perfect obedience to God, is now the one to have this dominion (Hebrews 2:5-11; 1 Corinthians 15:21-28). This dominion will be shared by all those who faithfully obey his teaching.

After man and woman were formed God blessed them and spoke with them of the creation over which they were to have dominion (Genesis 1:28-30). We also note that as God surveyed His creation He saw that it was in perfect harmony with the purpose for which He had created it. However, this beautiful harmony was disrupted by the entry of sin into the world. As Paul wrote, and as we see today, "the whole creation groaneth", waiting for redemption at the coming of Christ (Romans 8:19-23).

"The Lord God formed man" (Genesis 2:7)
We are now given the method whereby God made man.

"formed" This word is the same Hebrew word for "potter". Thus the angels firstly formed the shape of man, which was after their image, as a potter shapes the clay. In fact this is the same method used to create the animals and fowls (Genesis 2:19).

"breathed" means "to blow" (Haggai 1:9).

"the breath of life" Hebrew "neshamah chayim", literally "breath of lives". This is the same breath as that breathed by animals (Genesis 7:22-23).
NESHAMAH CHAYIM”,字面上是“呼吸的生物”这个呼吸一词同我们平时说的意思是一样的。(创世纪722-23

"living soul" We have looked at these same two words in the last study where they are rendered "living creature" (Hebrew "nephesh chayim") when referring to animals, fowls and fish. These words give no basis for the false teaching of an immortal soul. Man is a natural animal body. Immortality is a promise for those who faithfully serve God (1 Corinthians 15:45-54).
“生存的灵魂”上一课中我们以经知道被译为“生物”(希伯来语NEPHESH CHAYIM)。这些词否定了关于灵魂永生的错误理解。人是自然的物体,只有那些虔诚伺奉神的人才能得到永生。

"It is not good that man should be alone" (Genesis 2:18-25)
Man needed companionship to provide scope for the development of his intellectual and moral capacity. He needed "an help meet for him" (verse 18). This expression, as the margin indicates, means "as before him" or Rotherham "a counterpart". The idea is of one who would reflect his character and therefore assist in a mutual development of the divine "likeness" to the Creator.

Before the formation of woman, all creatures that had been formed "out of the ground" as Adam had been were caused to pass before him. Although he named them all, noting that each male had a counterpart female, he was brought to the realisation that there was not to be found a "counterpart" for him. The affinity between male and female animals is purely sensual, or animalistic. There is no love, compassion or unity of mind in their relationships. They are not capable of this. As men move further from God's ways, they degenerate to animal-like behaviour. They have no thought of a lasting relationship based upon a desire for unity of purpose so that they might develop Godlike characteristics, which was the reason for which they were initally created.

Once Adam realised that he had no companion, then God acted. He caused a deep sleep to come upon him and from one of his ribs God built his counterpart, woman. Adam immediately realised that she bore a likeness to himself that was not to be found in the animal creation. Thus he called her "woman", a word meaning "out of man".

God now pronounced the principles for Marriage. These principles have never been changed by God and are as valid today as they were then. The purpose for this unity in marriage is that together a man and woman might develop godly characters through a love for their Creator and one another, and a desire to develop a "likeness" to Him.

References to Marriage in the New Testament

  • The Lord Jesus Christ, when questioned by the Pharisees, referred them to the principles for marriage as set forth in Genesis 2, thus confirming that they still applied (Matthew 19:3-9).—当法利赛人问询基督耶稣时,他重申了创世纪2中关于婚姻的原则,证实了他们仍旧适用。(马太福音193-9
  • The apostle Paul in his instructions regarding husbands and wives saw in the formation of Eve a parabolic meaning also (Ephesians 5:22-33). He saw Adam as typical of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the deep sleep of Adam through which Eve was formed was like the death of Christ.—使徒保罗认为夏娃的创造是有寓意的。(以弗所书522-23)他认为亚当是基督的典型,亚当的沉睡象征着耶稣的死去。
  • Through Christ's death and resurrection those who believe and obey him have their sins forgiven, and as his bride await his return when they will be united with him (Revelation 19:6-9).—由于基督的死与复活,那些信从他的人被免罪。象他的新娘企盼着他回来与他们重聚。(启示录196-9
  • There are several other lessons relating to marriage which are to be found in the Bible (cp 1 Peter 3:7; Malachi 2:14-16).—圣经中还有很多地方提及了婚姻。(例彼得前书37;玛拉基书214-16)安息日(创世纪21-3

The Sabbath (Genesis 2:1-3)
The word "ended" in verse 2 is the same as for "finished" in verse 1. It means "to end something because it is completed or finished". The work of re-organisation of the earth from its state of chaos into a beautiful place upon which life could be sustained was finished. Vegetation was abundant and fish, fowl, animals and finally man were placed to inhabit these delightful surroundings. We therefore come to the seventh day and look to the lessons that this day sets forth.

"And he rested on the seventh day" The Hebrew word for "rested" is "shabath" from which we get the word "sabbath". Its meaning is "to cease or desist". God did not need to rest from labour because He was weary (Psalm 121:4; Isaiah 40:28-31).

"God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it" God gave this day a particular significance and by sanctifying it He "set it apart" as the word means.
The reason for this was that:

1. He would include it in His law to Israel (Exodus 20:8-11)-他将此包括在他赐以色列的法律中(出埃及纪208-11

2. He would use it as a type of His great purpose to fill the earth with His glory so that all His creation would be in harmony with Him (Revelation 4:11; Numbers 14:21)-神将之作为他的一个目的使遍地满他的荣耀,所有的他所创造的都和谐美满。

We should note the following points regarding the Sabbath:

  • There is no record of the sabbath being kept as a special day until Israel were brought out of Egypt. It is first mentioned in Exodus 16:23-30.—安息日作为圣日是直到以色列人出埃及之后。它第一次是在出埃及纪1623-30中提到。
  • The sabbath law was one of the ten commandments (Exodus 20:8-11)—安息日法则是作为十戒之一。(出埃及纪208-11
  • It only applied to Israel and not to the nations around Israel (Exodus 31:12-17; Deuteronomy 5:12-15)—它只用于以色列并没被以色列周围国家采用。(出埃及纪3112-17;申命纪512-15
  • The spirit of the sabbath was that one would cease from his own works and do the works of God (Isaiah 58:13)—安息日的主旨是让人们停止自己的工作去从事神的工作。(以赛亚书5813
  • The sabbath, together with the Law which God gave to Israel through Moses, was taken away through Christ (Colossians 2:16-17; Galatians 4:9-10; 2 Corinthians 3:6-11)—安息日法律,同其他的摩西法律一样,已经被基督废除。(歌罗西书216-17;加拉太书49-10;哥林多后书36-11
  • Christians keep no day above another (Romans 14:5-6)—基督徒认为一日不比一日强。(罗马书145-6
  • The sabbath is not binding on believers in Christ today (Colossians 2:16-17)—基督徒不受安息日约束。(歌罗西书216-17
  • Jesus Christ says that the sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath (Mark 2:27)—基督耶稣说安息日是为人设立的,人不是为安息日设立的。(马可福音227
  • The sabbath points forward to the rest that God has for all His faithful children (Psalm 95:11; Hebrews 4:4-11)—安息日是为了让所有信人神的人进入他的安息。(诗篇9511;希伯来书44-11

*Appendix Note: "And God said, let us make man" (Genesis 1:26)
The Hebrew word for "God" in the above quotation is "Elohim".
From its use in the Bible we learn:


  • It is a plural word meaning "mighty or powerful ones"—它是一个复数意味着“强有力的人们”
  • It is derived from the Hebrew word "El" which means "power or might" which is often used of God as the Creator (Psalm 90:2; Isaiah 40:18)—它是从希伯来单词“EL”演化而来,“EL”的意思是“力量”,经常被用作指造物主。(诗篇902;以赛亚书4018
  • The word is used of the angels at times when they are involved in the work of God. The angels have derived their strength from "El" (Psalm 103:20).—这个词不时地被用于指天使。天使们从神那儿得到力量。(诗篇10320
  • When the Lord appeared to Moses at the Bush the title "God" (Heb "Elohim") is used of the angel who was there present (Exodus 3:2-8). Note that Stephen says that it was an angel there (Acts 7:30, 35). Thus the title "God" (Hebrew "Elohim" meaning "mighty ones") can refer to angels.—当主在灌木旁显现给摩西时,“神”这一称谓(希伯来语“ELOHIM” )被用作指天使。(出埃及纪32-8)注意到史提芬称他看见了天使(使徒行传73035)。所以“神”这一称谓有时可以指天使。
  • The Law was given by God (Exodus 20:1-5), but Stephen says that it was in fact an angel who spoke (Acts 7:38).—法律是神所颁布(出埃及纪201-5),但史提芬说实际上是一个天使在说。(使徒行传738
  • Jacob said "I have seen God face to face" (Genesis 32:30) when in fact he saw an angel (Hosea 12:3-4; Genesis 32:1-2).—雅各说“他面对面地看见了神”,(创世纪3230)实际上他是看见了一个天使。何西阿书(123-4;创世纪321-2
  • Abraham and Lot were visited by angels who are called "the Lord" (Genesis 18 & 19; cp Hebrews 13:2).—亚伯拉罕和罗得被天使拜访。在这儿天使被称作“主”。(创世纪1819;希伯来书132

The Hebrew word usually translated "angel" is "malak", which means "a messenger". We see that "Elohim" is also used to denote these powerful messengers of God. In the New Testament the Greek word for "angel" is "angelos" which also means "a messenger".
The faithful who will be granted immortality will be made in nature like the angels (Luke 20:35-36).

Who are the Elohim of Genesis 1:26?
When we look at Genesis 1:26 we see that there is a note in the margin directing the reader to Psalm 8. The commentary in Psalm 8:4-6 reads as follows: "What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels (Heb "Elohim" = "mighty ones"), and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet. "
当我们阅读创世纪126时,页边批注指导我们去读诗篇8。诗篇84-6这样写道:“人算什么,你竟顾念他?世人算什么,你竟眷顾他?你教他比天使(希伯来语“ELOHIM” )微小一点,并赐他荣耀尊贵为冠冕。你派他管理你所造的,万物都服在他脚下。”

We find that in the margin of Psalm 8:4 another note is now made, directing us to the fact that this Psalm is quoted in Hebrews 2:6-8. When we look there we find that in this quote the Greek word "angelos" is used to translate "Elohim" from the Hebrew, thereby confirming that the New Testament writers understood that this word "Elohim", which is translated as "God" in the English version of the Bible, can in fact refer to the angels of God. They are His "ministering spirits" or messengers that do His work (Psalm 104:4; cp Hebrews 1:14).

Therefore by allowing the Bible to interpret itself we have come to see that it was the angels who were involved in the work of creating man in their image and likeness on behalf of God Himself.

Summary Points

  • Man, unlike all other creatures, was created with the capacity to understand the will of God, and in faith and love to obey Him. Although given a "free will" in this matter he was accountable for his actions. The lower creation do not have this "likeness" to their Creator (Genesis 1:26).—人不象其他动物,他们能理解神的意愿并信从他,服从他。虽然人被赋予“自由的意志”,但仍要对其行为负责。低级的生物不具备这种能力。(创世纪126
  • The expression "living soul" (Genesis 2:7) is identical in Hebrew with "living creature" (Genesis 2:19). It refers to a "flesh and blood" body and has no reference to the erroneous doctrine of an "immortal soul". There is no mention of "immortal souls" in the Bible (cp 1Corinthians 15:45-54).—“存在的灵魂”(创世纪27)这一表达方式在希伯来语中是“生物”的意思(创世纪219)。它表示“有血肉的”身体,并不是那些错误教条中所说的“为死的灵魂”,圣经中从没提到过“不死的灵魂”。(例哥林多前书1545-54
  • Woman (Eve) was created out of man to be a companion, "an help meet for him". The union of these two set God's pattern for all future marriages (Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 5:22-33; Matthew 19:3-9). Marriage is also typical of that union yet to come when Christ returns to take his "bride" or faithful believers unto himself (Ephesians 5:32; Revelation 19:7-9).—女人(夏娃)是从男人中创造并成为男人“适当的帮助”。男女的地合定下了婚姻的规范。(创世纪224;以弗所书522-33;马太福音193-9)。当基督耶稣回来与他的“新娘”与信徒重聚时,婚姻仍是这种结合的典范。(以弗所示532;启示录197-9
  • The Sabbath law for Israel was based upon the day that God "rested" or ceased from His creative labours (Exodus 20:8-11). The Sabbath points forward to the "rest" that God has prepared for His faithful servants (Hebrews 4:4-11). The Sabbath is not a binding law upon followers of Christ today (Colossians 2:16-17).—安息日法则是建立在神在那一日“安息”或停止他的工作的基础上建立的。(出埃及纪208-11)。安息日指出了神的忠城仆人可以进入他的“安息”(希伯来书44-11)。后来的基督徒可以不受安息日的约束。(歌罗西书216-17

第三课 问题



3.人成为“存在的灵魂”这一表达方式指什么(同见第1课“生物” )





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