Christadelphian Bible Mission--BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS


What Do Christadelphians Believe?



When you have read this leaflet you will know the answers to these questions:

1. Is the Bible the Word of God?

2.     Is Jesus Christ the Son of God?

3.     Is Jesus the Saviour of the world?

4.     Is Jesus coming back to the earth?

5.     Will the dead be raised for judg­ment?

6.     Will the Kingdom of God come on earth?

7.     What is the Kingdom of God?

8.     How can I be in God's Kingdom?



1.  圣经是神的道?

2.              耶稣基督是神的儿子吗?

3.              耶稣是世人的救世主吗?

4.              耶稣马上要回到地球上吗?

5.              死者会被复活受审判吗

6.              神的国会来到地球上吗

7.              什么是神的国?

8.      我如何才能到神的国里?

The Christadelphians. "Brethren in Christ", are a worldwide community whose beliefs are firmly rooted in Bible teaching. "Isn't that true of all Christians?" you may ask. Sadly, the answer is "No". The teaching of many groups has been taken from Greek thought and other sources, rather than the Bible. Christadelphians teach that we must look at the whole Bible message to understand it. We must read it carefully and ask questions.

基督弟兄会。“基督里的弟兄”, 是一个世界性的团体,坚信圣经的教义。“所有的基督徒不都是那样吗?” 你或许会问。令人悲伤的是,答案是否定的。许多组织的教义源自希腊人的思想和其它来源,而不是圣经。基督弟兄会认为我们必须阅读整部的圣经才能理解它。我们必须仔细阅读,提出问题。


See What the Bible Says!



It is all too easy to take a few words, often out of context, and make of them what we will. For example, some people believe that when they die, they have an immortal soul inside them which goes to heaven. Let us ask some questions about that idea by going directly to the Bible. All quotations are from the New International Version.


(a)   God made man "a living being"(Genesis 2:7). Does it say that man was made an 'ever-living being'? It does not.

(a)    神把人创造成“活人”(创世记27)。是不是说人被造成“永远的活人”? 不是。

(b)   We shall see that resurrection from the dead is the great Christian hope.

This is because when we die, we really are dead. Yes, every bit of us. "It is not the dead who praise the Lord" (Psalm 115:17). Does it say that the soul of the dead will praise the Lord in heaven? It does not.

(b)   我们可以看出从死亡中复活是基督徒的重要希望。

这是因为当我们死了,我们就真的死了。是的,我们任何部分都死了。“死人不能赞美耶和华”(诗篇11517)。是不是说死人的灵魂在天上会赞美耶和华? 不是

(c)         God is going to send Jesus Christ back to the earth. "This same Jesus,
who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back" (Acts 1:11). Why should Jesus come back if those who have died are already in heaven?

(c) 神马上差遣耶稣基督来到地球上。“这离开你们被接升天的耶稣,你们见他怎样往天上去,他还要怎样来”(使徒行传111)。如果那些死去的人已经在天上了,他为什么还要回来呢?

(d)   Jesus is coming back to raise the dead. "I will raise him up at the last day" (John 6:40). Why should Jesus raise dead bodies if the 'soul' is already enjoying life in heaven?

(e)   耶稣马上就要回来复活死者。“在末日我要叫他复活”(约翰福音640)。如果“灵魂”已在天上享受生命,耶稣为什么还要复活死者的身体呢

(e)   Jesus will judge men and women when he returns. "We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:10). How can men and women already be in heaven, if Jesus has not yet returned to judge them?

(e)   耶稣在回来的时候将审判男男女女。“我们众人必要在基督台前显露出来”(哥林多后书510)。如果耶稣还没有返回来审判这些男男女女,他们怎么可能已经在天上了呢

Jesus himself clearly tells us "For the Son of man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done" (Matthew 16:27). Here Jesus tells us that first he comes in glory, then he judges. As he has not yet come in glory, how can he have already rewarded anyone?

耶稣亲自明确地告诉我们“人子要在他父的荣耀里同着众使者降临;那时候,他要照各人的行为         报应各人”(马太福音1627)。这里耶稣告诉我们首先他要在荣耀里降临, 然后他要审判世人。既然他还没有在荣耀里降临,他怎么可能已经报应了各人呢

(f)              The Apostle Paul confirms this view of the future, when he tells us that Jesus, who he "eagerly awaits" as a Saviour, "will transform our lowly bod­ ies so that they will be like his glori­ ous body"(Philippians 3:21). His hope is for resurrection and having an immortal body like Jesus, who could be seen and handled after his own resurrection.

(f)             使徒保罗肯定了他对未来的观点他告诉我们被他作为救世主“急切等待”的耶稣会“将我们这卑贱的身体改变形状,和他自己荣耀的身体相似”(腓力比书321)。他的希望就是复活和拥有像耶稣那样不腐不朽的身体,在死后也能看得见,摸得着

(g)   Paul also says that Jesus "will judge the living and the dead" (2 Timothy 4:1). Why should living people ever be judged, if we go to heaven when we die?" If that was true, only dead peo­ple would ever be judged. Dead people, who God deems responsible for judge­ment, from Adam onwards, will be judged when Jesus returns. So also will respon­sible people who are alive when he comes to set up God's Kingdom on earth.

(g) 保罗还说耶稣“将来审判活人死人”(提摩太后书41)。如果我们死的时候要上天堂,为什么活人还要受审判呢?如果这是正确的话,只有死人被审判。神认为从亚当起就理应受审判的死人在耶稣返回时将被审判。还有在他来到地球上建立神的国时仍然活着的人也有责任


Interlocking Doctrines



Can you see how all these aspects of Bible teaching make sense when we draw them together?

The brief answers to the questions asked at the beginning of this leaflet sup­port and add to the Bible ideas we have outlined.




1. Is the Bible the Word of God?

1.  圣经是神的道?


Yes. Jesus himself accepted its teaching. "Beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he explained to them ..." (Luke 24:27). Jesus believed all the Old Testament. The Bible was written under the guidance of God's Holy Spirit because "All scripture is God-breathed" (2 Timothy 3:16).



2.    Is Jesus Christ the Son of God?

2.              耶稣基督是神的儿子吗?


He is. God Himself said, "This is my Son, whom I love" (Matthew 3:17). Notice that the Bible never calls Jesus "God the Son". Jesus said, "For the Father is greater than I" (John 14:28).

他是。 神自己亲口说,“这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的”(马太福音317)。请注意圣经从未称耶稣是圣子. 耶稣说, "因为父比我大" (约翰福音14:28).


3.    Is Jesus the Saviour of the world?

3.              耶稣是世人的救世主吗?


The Bible makes clear that Jesus was "without sin". Because of his sinless life, we, who are sinners and deserve only death, can be saved. We must have faith and keep his commandments. Only Jesus can save us, for "Salvation is found in no-one else" (Acts 4:12).



4.    Is Jesus coming back to the earth?

4.              耶稣马上要回到地球上吗?


Yes. The Bible says so in many places. "He comes in his Father's glory" (Mark 8:38).



5.         Will the dead be raised for judgment?

5.              死者会被复活受审判吗?


They will. All those who God decides are responsible to Him will be raised and judged. "I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day" (John 11:24). For "We will all stand before God's judgement seat" (Romans 14:10).



6. Will the Kingdom of God come on earth?

6.              神的国会来到地球上吗?


Yes, it will. God "is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes". Mankind has abused God's world, so God "will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed" (Daniel 4:32; 2:44). Jesus will be king, reigning from Jerusalem, "the city of the Great King" (Psalm 2:6; Matthew 5:35).

是的,它会。神要“在人的国中掌权,要将国赐与谁就赐与谁”。人类滥用神的世界,所以神“必另立一国,永不败坏”(但以理书432244)。耶稣将做国王, 从耶路撒冷统治,“大君的京城”(诗篇26;马太福音535)。


7.    What is the Kingdom of God?

7. 什么是神的国?


God has promised a time of great bless­ing for the earth. Jesus will return from heaven, and give everlasting life to his faithful from all ages. They will help him rule the world. It will be a time of peace, plenty, justice and joy, when people will learn of God's ways. "The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem" (Isaiah 2:3).



8.   How can I be in God's Kingdom?

8.              我如何才能到神的国里?


You must believe in God and keep His commandments. These include accepting that you are a sinner and need the Saviour, Jesus Christ. You must wash away your sins by being baptized as an adult, when you know what you are doing. You must accept and follow the teaching of Jesus. "Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you  the crown of life" (Revelation 2:10; Romans 6).


God has promised that all His faithful will live with Him for ever. Jesus will reign "until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death". Then, even Jesus will be subject to God, so that "God may be all in all" (1 Corinthians 15:25-28).


Nothing else in life is as worthy of your attention as the matters raised by this leaflet. Nothing else can equal the joy of living for ever with God. God invites you to follow Jesus, so that you may belong to Him in the day "when I make up my treasured possession" (Malachi 3:17).

在人生里没有任何东西像这本小册子里的事情更有价值了。任何东西都无法与神一起永生的快乐相提并论。 神要你顺从耶稣,“在我所定的日子,他们必属我,特特归我”(玛拉基书317)。

In one short leaflet, we cannot look at every important aspect of Bible teaching. Our hope is that you will agree that what we have said is sound, according to the Bible. Please accept our invitation to look carefully with us at Bible teaching. Other leaflets will give fuller answers to the questions we have considered.



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   A monthly magazine Glad Tidings?

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