Christadelphian Bible Mission --BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS


What a Christian Should Believe




When you have read this leaflet you will know the answers to these ques­tions:

1.   Why should I accept the beliefs of 1st century Christians?

2.   What did 1st century Christians believe?

3.   If my church does not teach what 1st century Christians believed, what should I do?



1.         我为什么要接受第一世纪的信仰呢?

2.         第一世纪的基督徒相信什么?

3.         如果我的教会没有传授第一世纪基督徒的信仰,我该怎么办呢?


1. Why should I accept the beliefs of 1st century Christians?

1.        我为什么要接受第一世纪的信仰呢?


It is very important that 21st century Christians have the same beliefs as those in the 1st century. Why? Because 1st cen­tury Christians lived closest to the time when Jesus Christ preached, "the Gospel of the Kingdom of God".


If we want to drink the purest water from a stream we must get as close as we can to the water source. We know that fur­ther down the stream, pollution will have affected the purity of the water.


It is just the same with understand­ing Bible teaching. Jesus is the source of pure water. The closer we get to his teaching, the purer our understanding will be. The apostles Peter and Paul lived at the same time as Jesus. We cannot go wrong if we believe what they taught. Sadly, what they taught is rarely spoken about by modern preachers.



2. What did 1st century Christians believe?



We must examine the first speech made by Peter, after Jesus went to heaven. He tells us in Acts 2:14-47 what Christians should believe.


2:21,23 Jesus did not die by accident. It was part of God's plan that Jesus, His sinless son, should give his life to save sinners. Because of Adam's sin, a death sentence was passed by God on Adam, Eve and all the human race. Jesus, by his sinless life, made everlasting life possible for all who believe in him and keep God's commandments.

2:21,23: 耶稣并非意外死亡。神无罪的儿子耶稣献出自己的生命拯救罪人是神的部分计划。由于亚当犯罪,神把死亡降临到亚当、夏娃和所有的人类身上。耶稣用他无罪的生命,使一切信他和遵循神的诫命的人都可能得到永生

2:24-28 Because Jesus lived a perfect life, God raised him from the dead. King David, who lived 1,000 years before Jesus, was also a prophet. He foretold the death and resurrection of Jesus. David said, of Jesus, God "will not abandon my soul to Hades (the grave), or let your Holy One see corruption." (Psalm 16:10)

2:24-28: 因为耶稣过着完美的生活,神从死亡中复活他。生活在耶稣前面1,000年的大卫王也是一名先知。他预言了耶稣的死亡和复活。大卫说神因为耶稣“不将我的灵魂撇在阴间,也不叫你的圣者见朽坏”(诗篇16:10)

Jesus died and was laid in a tomb. God brought him back to life again (resurrec-tion). God gave Jesus an immortal body (one that does not die). It is important to notice that the Bible does not say that Jesus had an immortal soul that went to heaven when he died. That is a Greek idea, not a Bible one. Jesus still had a body. He could eat, be handled and recognised, in his immortal state


2:29-36 King David was loved by God. Even so, Peter tells us that David "both died and was buried". That is the natural end of all of us. Peter did not teach that David had an immortal soul. The Christian hope is that when Jesus returns from heaven, he will raise the dead. He will give his faithful followers an immortal body just like his own.

2:29-36: 神爱大卫王。仅管如此,彼得告诉我们大卫“死后被埋”。这是我们大家的自然结局。彼得没有告诉我们大卫有不腐不朽的灵魂。基督徒的希望是当耶稣从天上下来时,他会复活死者。他会赐信徒不腐不朽的身体,就像他自己的身体一样

God promised that, "He would set one of his descendants on his (David's) throne". David was speaking of the "resur­rection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to Hades (the grave), nor did his flesh see corruption". So Jesus went to Hades (the grave) when he died, not to heaven. God raised his body from the tomb. Notice also that Jesus is to sit on David's throne. Where was that? It will be in Jerusalem, in the land of Israel. Jesus will return to be a real king on earth. The Kingdom of God is to be on earth, not in heaven. Jesus is coming to claim his kingdom. His faithful saints (those who have believed in him) will live forever. They will reign with Jesus over the world's mor­tal people in his kingdom.

神应许说,“要从他的后裔中立一位坐在他的宝座上(大卫的后代)”。大卫讲论“基督复活说:他的灵魂不撇在阴间;他的肉身也不见朽坏。”所以,耶稣去了阴间(坟墓), 没有上天堂。神从坟墓里复活了他的身体。请注意耶稣要坐在大卫的宝座上。那宝座在哪里呢? 在耶路撒冷,在以色列地。耶稣在地上要做真王。神的国在地上,不在天上。耶稣要回来统治他的国。他信实的圣徒(那些相信他的人)将永生。他们将与耶稣一起在他的国里统治天下腐朽的百姓。

Peter explains that David's prophecy told us that Jesus would sit on God's "right hand" (where he is now). However that is only until God makes the enemies of Jesus his footstool. Then God shall "send the Christ" to be king of the world (Acts 3:19-21).

彼得解释说大卫的预言告诉我们耶稣要坐在神的“右边 (就是他现在坐的地方)。但是要等到神将耶稣的敌人作为他的脚凳。然后神将“差遣基督做天下的王(使徒行传 3:19-21)

Peter reminds the crowd, "that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified." People in the crowd were very upset when they under­stood that they had helped to put Jesus, God's son to death. They asked an impor­tant question, "what shall we do?" Peter told them, "Repent and be baptised every­one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins."

彼得提醒众人,“ 你们钉在十字架上的这位耶稣,神已经立他为主,为基督了。”众人知道他们成了杀死神的儿子耶稣的帮凶时都感到不安。他们提出了一个重要的问题, “我们该怎么办呢?” 彼得告诉他们, “你们各人要悔改,奉耶稣基督的名受洗,叫你们的罪得赦,就必领受所赐的圣灵。”

Note that mature adults asked the question, “what shall we do?" Christian baptism is for mature people who choose to follow Jesus and repent of their sins. The sprinkling of babies (christening) is not taught in the Bible. To summarise what Peter, Jesus' disciple, believed and taught:


       Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

       He lived a sinless life and died for us.

       He went to Hades (the grave) after

       God raised Jesus from the dead.

       In his immortal state, Jesus still had a body.

       Jesus went to heaven, to sit on God's right hand.

       He will return to the earth to be king on David's throne in Jerusalem.

       Christians   must  believe   in   Jesus, repent of their sins and be baptised.

       They should meet often to remember Jesus by "breaking bread".










They must believe that the Old Testament was inspired by God.


If we are to call ourselves Christians, we should believe all the statements listed above.


The word "Christian" is only used three times in the New Testament. What do we learn about them?


Acts 11:19-26 Christians must "remain faithful ... with steadfast pur­pose". It is a serious commitment. They should also share their beliefs with all who are willing to listen.

使徒行传11:19-26说基督徒必须“保持忠诚...有坚定的目的”。 这是一项严肃的许诺。他们还应与所有愿意听道的人一同分享他们的信仰。

Acts 26:19-28 Paul tells King Agrippa and the Roman Governor, Festus that:

Christians must "repent and turn to God."

They must also believe in the Old Testament scriptures.

They should always speak "true and rational words."

Jesus rose from the dead. He was the first to inherit everlasting life.


基督徒必须 “悔改和归于神。”




1 Peter 4:12-19 Christians may have to suffer for their belief in Jesus Christ. Jesus will return to judge those who God decides are responsible to him.

彼得前书 4:12-19中说基督徒因为信仰耶稣基督可能要受苦。耶稣会回来审判那些被神认为对他有责任的人。

All these statements add to our under­standing of what Christians should believe and how they should behave. They are fully in tune with what Peter taught in Acts 2.


3. if my church does not teach what 1st century Christians believed, what should i do?

In Acts 18:24-28, we learn about a Jew named Apollos. He was a keen preacher but he only understood some of the things that Christians should believe. Was that all right? No. Aquila and Priscilla, who had a fuller understanding, taught him "the way of God more accurately."

在使徒行传18:24-28, 我们了解到一个叫作亚波罗的犹太人。他是一个热心的传教士,但他只理解基督徒相信的一些东西。那样可以? 行。理解更全面的亚居拉和百基拉“将神的道给他讲解更加详细。

From this example, it would be wise of you to join a group of Christians who fully accept the beliefs of 1st century Christians. Christadelphians certainly do accept all those beliefs.


What can be more important than believing, and teaching, the true gospel as taught by Jesus, Peter and Paul? If you do, it will lead to everlasting life in the Kingdom of God.



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