Christadelphian Bible Mission--BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS


Resurrection and Judgement



When you have read this leaflet you will know the answers to these questions

1. What does the Bible say about immortality (living for ever)?

2. What happens to us when we die?

3. When will the resurrection of the dead take place?

4. Who will be judged by Jesus Christ and why?



1. 圣经如何说不腐不朽(永生)呢?

2. 我们死的时候会发生什么事?

3. 什么时候会出现死者复活?

4. 谁会受到耶稣基督的审判,为什么呢?


Many people believe that when they die an immortal soul inside them will go to heaven.


The Bible tells a very different story. It talks about people who "may attain to the resurrection from the dead" (Philippians 311 New King James Version). They also "must appear before the judgement seat of Christ" (2 Corinthians 510). God will raise the dead and judge them. Faithful followers of Jesus Christ will live for ever with him.



1. What does the Bible say about immor­tality?

1. 圣经如何说不腐不朽(永生)呢?


The word "immortal" is used only once and "immortality" just five times in the Bible. When we look at all the passages where they are used we learn


a)       Only God has always lived and will always live (1 Timothy 117).

b)       Man is never included in any reference to having immortality now (1 Timothy 616).

c)        Jesus Christ has "brought life and immortality to light through the gospel" (2 Timothy 110).

(a) 只有神已经永生而且始终永生(提摩太前书117)

(b) 人从来都没有被提到过现在享有不腐不朽 (提摩太前书616)

(c) 耶稣基督已经“藉着福音,将不能坏的生命彰显出来”(提摩太后书1102 )

This means that there was no immor­tality for man before Jesus came. So man could not have had an immortal soul from the beginning. Our hope of immor­tality entirely depended on the victory of Jesus Christ over sin. Only since his resurrection to everlasting life has this become possible for us. For the faithful that will only be by God's grace when Jesus returns to raise the dead. Immortality was not built into us.


d)   We must "seek for glory honour and immortality" (Romans 27). If we have to seek for immortality it cannot already be within us. The day is com­ ing when "God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ" (verse 16).
Eternal life is "the gift of God" not the right of man (Romans 623).

d) 我们必须“寻求荣耀、尊贵和不能朽坏”(罗马福音27) 如果我们必须寻求不腐坏,那也不可能已经在我们身上了。“神藉耶稣基督审判人隐秘事的日子”马上就要来临了(16节)。
永生是“神的礼物”,不是人的权利(罗马书 623)。

e)       The Bible talks about kinds of bodies. There is "a natural body" and "a spiri­tual body" (1 Corinthians 1544). The spiritual body is not part of the natural one. Paul tells us "this mortal must put on immortality" (verse 53).

e) 圣经讲了两种身体。一种是“血气的身体”,一种是“灵性的身体”(哥林多前书1544)。灵性身体不是血气身体的组成部分。保罗告诉我们“这必朽坏的总要变成不朽坏的”(53)

A change of nature is needed. That will happen when "this mortal has put on immortality". Then (and only then) "Death is swallowed up in victory" (verse 54).


This teaching is the exact opposite of the common view that the body is "put off" to free the immortal soul with­in. That idea is not found in the Bible.


For those aware of God's purpose the Bible gives us this important order of events


i) We now have a natural life in a natural body.

ii) Sooner or later we shall die.

iii) Jesus will return to raise us from the dead.

iv) We shall be judged by him.

v) We shall either be given a spiritual body and everlasting life or we shall die for ever.

i) 现在我们气血的身体享有普通的生命。

ii) 我们迟早都会死去。

iii) 耶稣会回来从死亡中复活我们。

iv) 我们要接受他的审判。

v) 我们或者被赐予灵性的身体,得永生,或者我们永远死亡。

If Jesus comes before we die he will judge us with the responsible people liv­ing at that time.


The Bible says nothing anywhere about human beings having "immortal souls". It always talks about the body being raised from the dead.



2. What happens to us when we die?



The Bible often calls death "a sleep". In the story of Lazarus (John 11) Jesus said "Our friend Lazarus sleeps but I go that I may wake him ... However Jesus spoke of his death ... Then Jesus said to them plainly 'Lazarus is dead'" (verses 11-14).

圣经常常称“死亡”为“入睡”。在拉撒路的故事里 (约翰福音11),耶稣说,“我们的朋友拉撒路睡了,我去叫醒他。耶稣这话是指着他死说的耶稣就明明地告诉他们说:‘拉撒路死了’”(11-14)

Why did Jesus use the word "sleep"? Because when we are asleep we know nothing until we wake up. The Bible says the same thing about death "In death there is no remembrance of you" (Psalm 65).

为什么耶稣使用“睡”这个词呢? 因为当我们睡着的时候,我们什么事情也不知道,直到我们醒来。圣经同样说死亡:“在死地无人记念你”(诗篇65)

Lazarus had been dead for four days before Jesus raised him (John 1139). If his soul had been in heaven during this time Lazarus could have told people about his experiences. But he said noth­ing. He could not talk about "out-of-the-body experiences" because he did not have any. His silence shouts out this message Lazarus was simply "asleep" in the grave knowing nothing. No part of Lazarus went anywhere.

拉撒路死掉四天后耶稣才复活他(约翰福音1139)。如果在这段时间里他的灵魂已经上天, 拉撒路就会对人讲述他的经历了。但他什么也没有说。他说不出“身体以外的经历”,因为他没有什么可说。他的沉默告诉我们这样的信息:拉撒路仅仅“睡”在墓穴里,什么也不知道。拉撒路的任何部分都没有去过什么地方。

Our hope for the future must be the same as Martha's. She believed that we "will rise again in the resurrection at the last day" (verse 24).



3. When will the resurrection of the dead take place?

3. 什么时候会出现死者复活?


The resurrection will take place when Jesus Christ returns to the earth to set up God's kingdom (Luke 13233). Jesus says "Everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day" (John 640).

当耶稣返回到地球上建立神的国时就会发生复活(路加福音13233)。耶稣说:“一切见子而信的人得永生,并且在末日我要叫他复活” (约翰福音640)

The Apostle Paul says "For as in Adam all die even so in Christ all shall be made alive ... Christ the first-fruits afterwards those who are Christ's at his coming” (1 Corinthians 15:22,23).


Jesus and the Apostle Paul are in per­fect agreement about

a)      The truth of the resurrection from the dead and

b)      when it will take place.

They know best. Don't believe anyone who tells you a different story.


(a) 从死亡中复活的真理,

(b) 什么时候会发生。



4. Who will be judged by Jesus Christ AND WHY?

4. 谁会受到耶稣基督的审判,为什么呢?


The Bible tells us that many people will be judged when Jesus comes. Paul says “The Lord Jesus Christ ... will judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom" (2 Timothy 41).


Responsible people are those who know about God. They "shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ ... that each of us shall give account of himself to God" (Romans 141012).


If Jesus has not yet returned to judge how can anyone already be enjoying everlasting life?


Not all responsible people will be saved. Jesus told some people that they will "see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and your­selves thrust out" (Luke 1328).


Thankfully to those who have tried to serve him well Jesus will say "Come you blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foun­dation of the world" (Matthew 2534).


People who have never known about God will not be raised for judgement. They are not responsible to Him. Daniel tell us "Many (but not all) of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake" (Daniel 122).

从来不知道神的人在审判中不会被复活。他们没有对耶稣担负责任。 但以理告诉我们:“睡在尘埃中的,必有多人复醒” (但以理书122)

Why will there be a judgement? Because from the beginning of creation God has given mankind a choice. We can either follow His way or please ourselves. That includes you.

为什么会有审判呢? 因为自创世之初,神就给人类以选择。我们可以顺从他的道路,或者取悦我们自己。那也包括了你。

God is pleased if we choose to follow His way. For those who do it will be our "Father's good pleasure" to give us the kingdom (Luke 1232).


Surely you want to be in God's king­dom? Faithful believers can now look for­ward to this wonderful blessing. God is going to send Jesus Christ to bring peace to a world in need. He will reign as king over the whole earth (Psalm 728-11). After the resurrection and judgement those who are saved will help Jesus preach to the nations. He wants them also to learn about him and finally have the joy of everlasting life.


Do you know of any hope as great as this one? Christadelphians don't. If you serve God now you will belong to Him in the day when "there shall be no more death nor sorrownor crying" (Revelation 214).

你知道有什么希望和它一样伟大的吗? 基督弟兄会不知道。如果你现在侍奉神,当“不再有死亡,也不再有悲哀、哭号” (启示录214)的日子来临时,你就属于基督了。

“Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 15:57).



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