Christadelphian Bible Mission--BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS





When you have read this leaflet you will know the answers to these ques­tions

1. Why is the view of Jesus Christ about life after death so important?

2.        What is the Bible hope for a future life?

3.        When will the chosen ones be with Jesus Christ?

4.        What is "the resurrection of the dead"?

5.        What is "the judgement"?

6.        What does the Bible say about "immortal souls"?

7.        How do future events fit together?



1. 为什么耶稣基督关于死后生活的观点如此重要?

2. 圣经对未来生活的希望是什么呢?

3. 被拣选的人何时才能与耶稣基督同在?

4. 什么是从死亡中复活?

5. 什么是审判”?

6. 圣经是怎么说不朽灵魂?

7. 未来的事情如何结合在一起呢?


1.             Why IS the view of Jesus Christ


1. 为什么耶稣基督关于死后生活的观点如此重要?


The world has had many leaders. Some political and others religious. Of all the great leaders Jesus Christ is the only one who has been raised from the dead. Hundreds of people saw him after his resurrection (1 Corinthians 153-8). This makes Jesus unique. Because he has experienced life after death he is the best one to tell us about it. If we are wise we shall listen to what he has to say.

世上有许多领袖。有些是政治领袖,有些是宗教领袖。在所有伟大的领袖当中,耶稣基督是惟一从死亡中复活的领袖。数以百计的人亲眼目睹他的复活 (哥林多前书153-8)。这使耶稣非常独特。 因为他死后又生,他最能告诉我们这件事。如果我们明智的话就得听他说的话。


2.  What is the Bible hope for a future LIFE?

2. 圣经对未来生活的希望是什么呢?


A soldier once prayed before a battle "Oh God if there be a God save my soul if I have a soul." How sad that when he may have been about to die he did not know anything about a future life. Yet many people today are just like that soldier. They do not know what to expect when they die.



The Bible hope is centred on three great truths

(a)   The return of Christ from heaven

(b)   The resurrection of the dead and

(c)    The establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth by His Son Jesus Christ.


(a) 基督从天上返回;

(b) 死者的复活;

(c) 他儿子耶稣基督在地球上建立神的国。

Jesus himself states these three great truths when he says "When the Son of man (Jesus) comes in his glory and all the holy angels with him then he will sit on the throne of his glory (Matthew 2531) and "the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear his voice and shall come forth" (John 52829).

耶稣自己说过这三大真理,因为他说:“当人子在他荣耀里,同着众天使降临的时候,要坐在他荣耀的宝座上。”(马太福音2531);和“时候要到,凡在坟墓里的,都要听见他的声音,就出来” (约翰福音52829)

Knowing about this hope will help us to understand what the Bible teaches about life after death.



3. When will the chosen ones be withJesus Christ?



Jesus makes this very clear to us. He says “The Son of man will come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he will reward each according to his works" (Matthew 1627). Notice the order of events

(a)    Jesus shall come in glory and after­ wards ...

(b)    He shall reward.

耶稣对我们说得很清楚。“人子要在他父的荣耀里同着众使者降临;那时候,他要照各人的行为报应各人” (马太福音1627)。请注意这些事情


(a) 耶稣将在荣耀里来,然后...

(b) 他将报应各人。

First of all he comes and then he rewards. As Jesus has not yet come back to the earth he cannot already have rewarded anyone. Jesus also said "You shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just" (Luke 1414). As the resurrection has not yet taken place nobody can already have been rewarded.

首先他要来,然后他要报应。由于耶稣还没有返回到地球上,他没能报应大家。耶稣还说:到义人复活的时候,你要得着报答” (路加福音1414)。由于复活还没有发生,还没有人得到报应。

The return of Jesus to the earth the resurrection of the dead and the reward of everlasting life to faithful followers are all still in the future.



4. What is "the resurrection of the dead"?



Jesus spoke of "Abraham and Isaac and Jacob" being in the Kingdom of God. Thereforewhen the dead are raised they will be recognisable as people. They will have bodies just like Jesus did when God raised him from the dead. After his resurrection Jesus could be seen and touched (John 2127). He was not a spirit without a body. The Apostle Paul's promise was that Jesus "will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to his glorious body" (Philippians 321). So just like Jesus those given everlasting life will have immortal bodies.

耶稣说“亚伯拉罕、以撒和雅各”都要在神的国里。因此,当死者复活时,他们会被人认出来。他们有身体,就像神从死亡里复活的耶稣一样。复活后,耶稣能被人看见,被人摸着(约翰福音2127)。他不是没有躯体的幽灵。使徒保罗应许说耶稣能“将我们这卑贱的身体改变形状,和他自己荣耀的身体相似” (腓力比书321)。所以,就像耶稣那样,那些已被赐予永生的人将得到不朽的身躯。


The resurrection of the dead will take place when Jesus returns to establish God's Kingdom on earth. Paul tells us "For as in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive ... Christ the first-fruits afterward those who are Christ's at his coming" (1 Corinthians 152223).

当耶稣返回到地球上建立神的国时就会发生复活。保罗告诉我们“在亚当里众人都死了;照样,在基督里众人也都要复活初熟的果子是基督;以后,在他来的时候,是那些属基督的” (哥林多前书152223)

Until that day for those who have died death is like a sleep (1 Corinthians 1551 Psalm 65). Their next waking moment will be the resurrection. Time has no meaning in the grave.

对那些已经死去的人,死亡就好像睡眠,直到那一日 (哥林多前书 1551;诗篇65)。下一次醒来的时候就是复活。时间对在阴间的人来说没有什么意义。

The Bible hope of the resurrection was well expressed by Martha long ago. Speaking of her brother Lazarus she said "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day (John 1124).

马大很早以前就说明过圣经对复活的希望。马大在提到他的弟兄拉撒路时说:“我知道在末日复活的时候,他必复活” (约翰福音1124)


5. What is "the judgement"?



The Bible makes one thing clear from the beginning. God has given us the freedom either to choose His way or to reject it. He tells us what will happen if (a) we serve Him or (b) we reject Him.

有一件事圣经一开始就说得很明确。神已给我们选择他的道路或者拒绝他的道路的自由。他告诉我们如果(a)我们侍奉他,或者 (b)拒绝他会发生什么事情。

People who know about God and are therefore answerable to Him "must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ" (2 Corinthians 510). To those who have served him Jesus will say Come you blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matthew 25:34). Those who "do not obey the truth" (Romans 2:8) will not be in God's king­dom.

知道神的人就要对他尽责,“众人必要在基督台前显露出来”(哥林多前书510)。对于那些侍奉他的人,耶稣会说:“你们这蒙我父赐福的,可来承受那创世以来为你们所预备的国”(马太福音 2534)那些“不顺从真理”的人(罗马福音28) 将不能在神的国里。

Jesus confirms these teachings. He says that those who have "done good" will be blessed with "the resurrection of life" and those who have "done evil" will suffer "the resurrection of condemnation" (John 529).



6. What does the Bible say about "immor­ tal souls"?



The Bible says nothing about "immortal souls". Yes that's right absolutely noth­ing. Although "immortal(ity)" and "soul" occur the words "immortal soul" never appear together anywhere in the Bible.


The word "soul" (Hebrew nephesh in the Old Testament and Greek psuche in the New Testament) refers to

(a)    Life for example 1 Samuel 2223 "he that seeks my life seeks your life" andA living being (human or animal) for example   Genesis   4618   "These she bare unto Jacob even sixteen persons (AV souls)". Sailors use the word "soul" in the same way. When they are in danger at sea they send out an "SOS" signal. This means "Save Our Souls". It is a cry for help asking someone to save their natu­ral lives.

“灵魂”这个词,(在旧约圣经中的希伯来语是nephesh,在新约圣经中的希腊语是“psuche) 指:

(a)    生命:例如,撒母耳记上2223:“寻索我的命;你在我这里可得保全”;



In the Bible we find that a soul (Nephesh person) can

(a)         Touch (Leviticus 52)

(b)         Eat (Leviticus 720)

(c)          Sin (Leviticus 515)

(d)         Die (Joshua 1111 Ezekiel 184)

在圣经里,我们发现灵魂 (Nephesh”,人)可以:

(a) 被触摸(利未记 52)

(b) 会吃 (利未记720)

(c) 会犯罪(利未记 515)

(d) 会死 (约书亚书1111;以西结书184)

The idea that people have immortal souls came from Greek philosophers. This idea is not correct.

It is not support­ed by the Bible. Jesus always teaches that he is coming from heaven not that we are going to him.






We can summarise Bible teaching about the future like this

(a)          When we die we are simply dead with no knowledge of anything. It is like a long sleep until

(b)          Jesus Christ returns to the earth to

(c)    Raise the deadand

(d)          Judge the responsible living and dead
then finally

(e)          Establish God's Kingdom on earth.


(a) 当我们死的时候,我们只是死了,对任何事情就都不知道了。就好像长眠不醒一样,直到

(b)          耶稣基督返回到地球上,

(c)    活死者,

(d)          审判那些不可推卸责任的活人和死人,

(e)          最终在地球上建立神的国。

Daniel tells us "Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life some to shame and everlasting contempt" (Daniel 122).


In which group will you be? Do you have the wisdom to follow Jesus now? If you do you will live for ever with him when he comes in glory to establish God's Kingdom.

你将属于哪一组人呢?你现在是否有胆识跟随耶稣呢? 如果你这么做了,那么当他荣耀地返回到地球上来建立神的国时你就能永远地和他生活在一起。

Yes there is life after death. May this wonderful promise touch your heart and encourage you to serve God now because "those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars for ever and ever" (Daniel 123).

是的,死后有生命。愿这奇妙的应许能打动你的心,现在就鼓励你侍奉神,因为“智慧人必发光如同天上的光;那使多人归义的,必发光如星,直到永永远远 (但以理书123)


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