Christadelphian Bible Mission--BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS





When you have read this leaflet you will know the answers to these ques­tions

1. Why will Jerusalem be the future everlasting capital of the world?

2. Who will be the king in Jerusalem?

3. How can I share in God's future kingdom?



1. 为什么耶路撒冷要成为世界未来永恒的首都呢?

2. 谁要在耶路撒冷为王呢?

3.      我怎么才能分享神未来的国呢?


1. Why will Jerusalem be the future everlasting capital of the world?

1. 为什么耶路撒冷要成为世界未来永恒的首都呢?


Why Jerusalem and not London Beijing New York Rome or Moscow? The Bible answers this question. Jesus Christ him­self said "do not take an oath at all either by heaven for it is the throne of God or by the earth for it is his footstool or by Jerusalem for it is the city of the great King" (Matthew 53435).

为什么是耶路撒冷,而不是伦敦、北京或纽约呢? 圣经回答了这个问题。耶稣基督曾亲口说,“不可指着天起誓,因为天是神的座位;不可指着地起誓,因为地是他的脚凳;也不可指着耶路撒冷起誓,因为耶路撒冷是大君的京城” (马太福音53435)

No 'great king' was reigning in Jerusalem when Jesus spoke those words. The Romans had conquered the Jews Pontius Pilate was the Roman Governor and Herod (not a Jew) was a puppet king. Worse was still to come for Jerusalem. Jesus made this sad but accurate prophecy "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies then know that its desolation has come near... and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles" (Luke 212024).


In AD 70 after a Roman army had long surrounded the city and one million Jews had died in the siege Jerusalem fell. No king saved the people or the city. From that day until his no Jewish king has ruled in Jerusalem. Over the centuries wars have raged there conquerors have come and gone. Suffering and death have reigned. How sad for Jerusalem means 'City of Peace'.


But after 1900 years of being away from their land tens of thousands of Jews returned to Palestine in the 1940's. The State of Israel was established in 1948 and in 1967 Jerusalem was taken back into Jewish hands. Since then wars and discord between Jews and Arabs have prevented any lasting peace and still no king rules in Jerusalem today. We should not be surprised at this. Because of Israel's disobedience six hundred years before the birth of Jesus God spoke through his prophet Ezekiel (212627 -NKJV). He said of the king in Jerusalem at the time "take off the crown...I will make it overthrown! It shall be no longer until He comes who right it is and I will give it to him." So no king will reign until the right­ful one comes - God's king.


Jesus the Son of God was not wrong when he said that "Jerusalem is the city of the great king". He was making a prophe­cy. He was seeing far into the future. So far into it that it is still future to our own day.


There are many kings queens and republics in the world. However God's plan for the world is to have only one kingdom and one king. Centuries before Jesus was born Daniel was told by God Himself "the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed ... and it shall stand forever" (Daniel 244).


“God's kingdom with Jerusalem as its capital will fill the earth. He has chosen one king who shall "have dominion from sea to sea ... to the ends of the earth ... May all kings fall down before him all nations serve him” (Psalm 728-11).


Yes Jerusalem will be the city of the great king. Man's kingdoms will be no more. God's kingdom will replace them all.



2. Who will be king in Jerusalem?

2. 谁要在耶路撒冷为王呢?


God has chosen his son Jesus Christ to be king in Jerusalem. Why? Because Jesus is the only perfect sinless man who has ever lived. God raised him from the dead and he is alive forever. Because of this the world will never need another king.

神已选择他的儿子耶稣基督做耶路撒冷的王。为什么呢? 因为耶稣是曾经在地球上生活过的完全、无罪的人。神已从死亡中复活他,他永生了。为此,世界不需要另一位国王。

Jesus has all the personal qualities a great king needs. As prophesied of him he had "wisdom and understanding ... counsel and might ... knowledge and the fear of the LORD" (Isaiah 112). Jesus will judge "with righteousness" (v4). This is just what the world needs. He is the best-qualified king ever. "Worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and hon­our and glory and blessing!" (Revelation 512).


The "Kingdom of God" is a common phrase in the Bible. We now know it will begin when God shall "send the Christ" back to the earth (Acts 320-21). God promised to "set My King on Zion my holy hill" and to Jesus He says "I will make the nations your heritage and the ends of the earth your possession" (Psalm 26-8).


Jesus "the Prince of Peace" will "speak peace to the nations" from Jerusalem "the City of Peace". No wonder God said "Shout aloud O daughter Jerusalem! Behold your king is coming to you" (Zechariah 99-10). When Jesus reigns as king then "out of Zion shall go the law and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem" (Isaiah 23).


Grasp this fact Jesus Christ is coming back to the earth to be King of the World.




3. 我怎么才能分享神未来的国呢?


Each of us has two futures. How can this be? The first future has to do with the days perhaps months and years which lie ahead in our natural lives. What we believe and how we spend time now will determine our much more important ever­lasting future. That future will either be everlasting joy in God's Kingdom or ever­lasting death. The choice is ours and we must make it soon. Compared with eterni­ty our natural lives are very short indeed. We don't have long to make up our minds.

我们每个人都有两种未来。这怎么可能呢? 第一种未来以天来计算,或许是几个月或几年,就是在我们自然生活的前面。今天我们的信仰,我们如何花费时间将决定我们这个更加重要的永恒未来。这个未来要么在神的国里享受永恒的欢乐,要么遭受永远的死亡。选择的权利就在我们手里,我们必须很快地作出决定。与永恒相比较,我们的自然生活的确非常短暂。我们不可长时间犹豫不决。

Jesus is coming back to the earth to rule as king in Jerusalem. He will reign over the natural people of Israel. His king­dom will then spread throughout the world. He will be the world's only king and will reign over everyone. He will have spe­cial helpers to teach the world about God and his purpose. These helpers his "saints" will have been given everlasting life at the Judgement. This Judgement will be held when Jesus returns to the earth (please read the leaflet in this series "Resurrection and Judgement").


Jesus will not give everlasting life to everyone when he comes. He will give it only to those who believe in God's word the Bible and who follow it's teachings. It involves understanding that we are sin­ners seeking God's forgiveness accept­ing Jesus as our saviour being baptised "into Christ" and keeping God's com­mandments.


If we commit ourselves to this life of service then by God's grace He will grant us everlasting life through Jesus Christ our great saviour and king (Matthew 1627). The gift of everlasting life is the greatest blessing that has ever been offered. Imagine the joy of living with Jesus and all his faithful saints forever.


What a prospect! Will you choose to follow Jesus? If you do he will choose you to live and reign with him forever when he comes to be king in Jerusalem.



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