Christadelphian Bible Mission--BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS





When you have read this leaflet you will know the answers to these questions:

1.        What is heaven?

2.        Where is hell?

3.        How does knowing the truth about heaven and hell help us to understand God's purpose with mankind?



1. 什么是天堂?

2. 地狱在哪里?

3. 了解关于天堂和地狱的真理如何能帮助我们理解神对人类的目的呢?


1. What IS Heaven?

1. 什么是天堂?


The Bible tells us some important facts about heaven:


   “The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's; but the earth he has given to the children of men" (Psalm 115:16).

   “天,是耶和华的天;地,他却给了世人” (诗篇11516)

   "Do not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is God's throne" (Matthew 5:34).

   “什么誓都不可起。不可指着天起誓,因为天是神的座位;” (马太福音534)

   Jesus Christ, God's immortal Son, "was taken up into heaven", but, he will return to the earth (Acts 1:11).


  "No one has ascended to heaven"(John 3:13).


   "David did not ascend into the heavens... he is both dead and buried" (Acts 2:34,29).

   “大卫并没有升到天上他死了,也葬埋了” (使徒行传23429)


What do we learn from these Bible facts?


(i) Heaven is God's dwelling place, not ours. He does not invite us to join Him in heaven, either before death or after­wards.

(i) 天堂是神居住的地方,不是我们的。他没有邀请我们在天堂里加入他,无论死前还是死后。

(ii) Heaven is God's throne. It is true that His redeemed will be "kings and priests", but, "we shall reign on the earth" (Revelation 5:10).

(ii) 天堂是神的宝座。真是这样,得赎者将“成为国民,作他父神的祭司”, 但我们要“在地上执掌王权(启示录510)

All we have just read fits perfectly with Psalm 115:10: "The earth he has given to the children of men." What a great day it will be when "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord" (Habakkuk2:14).

我们刚才读到的一切事实都完全符合诗篇11516:“地,他却给了世人。 “认识耶和华荣耀的知识要充满遍地 (哈巴谷书214)时,那将是一个多么伟大的日子啊!

(iii) Because God's future plan for man relates to the earth, we can understand why Jesus said, "No one has ascended to heaven", and why Peter tells us, "David did not ascend into the heavens".

 (iii) 因为神对人类的未来计划关系到地球,我们能理解耶稣为何说:“没有人升过天”,彼得为何告诉我们:“大卫并没有升到天上。”

Why should we go to heaven when we die, when all God's future plans for His faithful servants will take place on the earth? Peter told the Jews, "times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send Jesus Christ... whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things" (Acts 3:19-21). Old Testament prophets spoke about God's kingdom being restored on the earth. This will happen when Jesus returns to be "King of kings and Lord of lords" (Revelation 19:16). Like Jesus,we can pray, "your kingdom come" (Matthew 6:10).

神对所有信实仆人的一切未来计划都发生在地球上,为什么我们死后要上天堂呢?彼得告诉犹太人:“那安舒的日子就必从主面前来到;主也必差遣所预定给你们的耶稣基督降临。天必留他,等到万物复兴的时候”(使徒行传319-21)。旧约圣经中的先知说神的国要重建在地球上。当耶稣返回做“万王之王,万主之主” (启示录1916)时会发生这样的事情。我们能像耶稣那样祈祷:“愿你的国降临” (马太福音610)


2. Where is Hell?

2. 地狱在哪里?


"Hell" is the most misunderstood word in the Bible. Basically, in the Old Testament, it means 'the grave'. In the New Testa­ment, "hell" either means 'the grave', or refers to the Valley of Hinnom, a literal, physical valley outside Jerusalem.

“地狱”这个词在圣经里最易受到误解。在旧约圣经中其本意是“阴间”。在新约圣经中“地狱”或者指“阴间” 或者指新嫩子谷,从字面上理解是指耶路撒冷城外的一座自然山谷。

The idea that hell is the place to which wicked people go when they die, and burn for ever in fire, cannot be true. Why not? Because the Bible tells us that:

地狱是恶人死后去的地方,永远有火焚烧这样的概念不正确。为什么不正确呢? 因为圣经告诉我们:

   The best man who ever lived, Jesus Christ, went there when he died.

   Jesus came out of 'hell', when he was raised from the dead.



There is no doubt about those two facts. In Acts 2:26,27, Paul quotes Psalm 16:10 which says, "Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell" (Authorised Version). He said David knew that God "would raise up the Christ to sit on his throne; he spoke con­cerning the resurrection of the Christ" (Acts 2:30,31). That must mean Jesus came out of "hell", when he was raised from the dead.

对这两个事实不容置疑。保罗在使徒行传22627中引用诗篇1610 的话说:“因你必不将我的灵魂撇在阴间” (许可版)。他说大卫知道神“要从他的后裔中立一位坐在他的宝座上,就预先看明这事,讲论基督复活” (使徒行传23031)。那就是说当耶稣从死亡中复活时他走出了“地狱”。

Not only did Jesus come out of "hell" (the grave), but also he said, "I am he who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive for evermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades ("hell", AV), and of death" (Revelation 1:18). Why do we have keys? To unlock doors. Jesus paints a vivid picture of "unlocking the doors" of hell and of death, by raising the dead when he comes (1 Corinthians 15:20-23).

耶稣不但走出“地狱”(阴间),而且他还说:“又是那存活的;我曾死过,现在又活了,直活到永永远远;并且拿着死亡和阴间的钥匙” (启示录118)。我们为什么能有钥匙呢? 用来开门。耶稣为我们描述当他再来时复活死者,“打开地狱和死亡之门”的形象画面 (哥林多前书1520-23)

We must now ask the question, "Where was the hell to which Jesus went?" We read, "Joseph took the body (of Jesus) ... and he laid it in his new tomb" (Matthew 27:57-60). The "hell" of Psalm 16:10, to which Jesus went, was a tomb. A tomb is a dark, covered place, just like a grave. In fact, the same Old Testament Hebrew word sheol, translated as "hell" in Psalm 16:10, is translated as "grave" in Psalm 49:15.

现在我们必须提出这样的问题:“耶稣去过的地狱在哪里呢?”我们读到过:“约瑟取了身体(耶稣的)... 安放在自己的新坟墓里”(马太福音27:57-60)。事实上,旧约圣经中同样一个希伯来语词“sheol”在诗篇1610中被译成“地狱”,在诗篇4915被译成“阴间”。

The root meaning of both "sheol", and the New Testament Greek word "hades" is 'the unseen', or 'the covered place'. So "hell", the tomb, the grave and the unseen place, have similar meanings. Truly Jesus rose from "hell", when he rose from the dead in Joseph's tomb.

sheol”和新约圣经希腊语“hades”的根本意思都是“看不见的” 或“遮盖着的地方”。所以“地狱”、墓穴、阴间和看不见的地方都有相同的意思。当耶稣在约瑟的墓穴里从死亡中复活,他确实从“地狱”中升起。

Jesus triumphed over sin and death. Well can David say, "God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave" (Psalm 49:15). Literally, Jesus will raise those responsible to him from "hell"; that is, the grave.


Not once does the word "sheol" refer to everlasting torment for the wicked. Jonah uses "sheol" ("hell", AV) to tell us he was in the belly of a great fish (Jonah 1:17—2:2). It is a perfect example of "hell" meaning 'the covered place'. "Hell" has nothing to do with being burned by fire.


Two other Greek words, besides "hades" are also translated "hell" in the New Testament. One of them is used only in 2 Peter 2:4. That word means the deepest part of a covered place. The other word is used often and refers to the Valley of Hinnom. Jerusalem's rubbish was emptied and burned there. Dead bodies of criminals were thrown into it, and burned by the fires that were never allowed to go out. However, they were  dead bodies, not living ones. It was the fire that continued to burn, not individual dead bodies.

除“hades”以外,还有另外两个希腊词在新约圣经中被翻译成“地狱”。一个只用在彼得后书24 那个词的意思是被掩盖的最深处。另一个词经常使用,指新嫩子谷。耶路撒冷的垃圾就被倒在那里焚烧。罪犯的尸体也被扔进去焚烧,焚烧的火永不熄灭。但是,那些是死尸,不是活物。是火持续不断地焚烧,不是每个尸体。

Everyone living in Jerusalem would know what Jesus meant, when he spoke about a body being "cast into hell" (Matthew 5:29). He was talking about everlasting death for those who did not walk in God's ways.


Therefore, in the New Testament, "hell" means either 'the unseen place', which we call the grave, or, the Valley of Hinnom. Hell is not a place of everlasting torment.

因此,在新约圣经里“地狱”的意思或者指“看不见的地方”,即被我们称作阴间,或者新嫩子谷。 地狱不是永远受折磨的地方。





It helps us very much. The Bible talks about "heaven", but God has not planned for us to go there. If we die before Jesus comes, we shall go to the grave ("hell"). We need not fear, if we belong to Jesus. He said, "I am the resurrection and the life" (John 11:25). When he returns to the earth, "Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your sting? O Hades ('grave', AV), where is your victory?" (1 Corinthians 15:55). His faithful will be blessed with everlasting life, at the judge­ment (see "Resurrection and Judgement" in this series).

这对我们有很大的帮助。圣经谈论“天堂”,但神从没有计划让我们上天堂。如果我们在耶稣来临之前死了,我们将去阴间(“地狱”)。如果我们属于耶稣就无需害怕。他说:“复活在我,生命也在我。信我的人虽然死了,也必复活”(约翰福音1125)。当他返回到地球上时,“经上所记‘死被得胜吞灭’的话就应验了。死啊!你得胜的权势在哪里?死啊!你的毒钩在哪里” (哥林多前书1555)他的信徒将在审判时受赐福得永生(见该系列“复活与审判”)

God has promised to fill the earth with His glory. This will happen when Jesus returns to set up God's kingdom. He will reign from Jerusalem, "the city of the great king" (Matthew 5:35). At that time, "All kings shall fall down before him. All nations shall serve him" (Psalm 72:11); "He shall speak peace to the nations" (Zechariah9:10).

神已应许让他的荣耀充满地球。当耶稣返回地球建立神的国时就会发生这事。他将在耶路撒冷,“大君的京城”(马太福音535)统治世界。同时 “诸王都要叩拜他;万国都要侍奉他。” (诗篇7211);“他必向列国讲和平;他的权柄必从这海管到那海,从大河管到地极” (撒迦利亚书910)

What about you? Will you be among the faithful saints of Jesus? Will you, like them, be made immortal and help Jesus to teach the ways of God to the world's mortal population? Because, "They will turn many to righteousness" (Daniel 12:3).

你怎么样? 你会成为耶稣忠诚的信徒吗?你会像他们那样成为不腐不朽的人,帮助耶稣向天下必死的人类传播神的道吗?因为“使多人归义” (但以理书123)

If you serve God acceptably now, you will share in that great preaching work in the age to come. Jesus said to his true followers: "Because I live, you will live also" (John 14:19).

God's kingdom is coming. Truly, in that day, the blessings of heaven will be showered on the earth.

如果你现在能侍奉神,你就能在未来从事伟大的传教事业。耶稣教导他的真信徒说:“因为我活着,你们也要活着” (约翰福音1419)



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