Christadelphian Bible Mission--BASIC BIBLE TRUTHS





When you have read this leaflet you will know the answers to these ques­tions:

1   Were the early followers of Jesus Christ baptized?

2   What does the Bible say about baptism?

3   What does baptism mean?

4   Why do I need to be baptized?

5   Why must I obey God's commands?

6   What must I do now, so that I can enjoy life for ever in God's kingdom?



1. 耶稣基督的早期信徒受洗过吗?

2. 圣经是如何介绍洗礼的呢?

3. 洗礼是什么意思呢?

4. 我为什么需要洗礼呢?

5. 我为什么要听从神的命令呢?

6. 我必须了解什么才能在神的国里享受永生呢?


1. Were the early followers of 1. Were the early followers of Jesus Christ baptized?

1 耶稣基督的早期信徒受洗过吗?


Yes, the early followers of Jesus were baptized. Why? Because Jesus com­manded them to be. It was one of the most important commandments he gave. Baptism was the way in which people showed that they believed in Jesus and his teaching. Each new convert became a member of a special group of people, the disciples of Jesus. They preached God's Word and looked forward to the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.

是的,耶稣的早期信徒受洗。为什么呢? 因为耶稣吩咐他们受洗。这是耶稣颁布的最重要诫命之一。洗礼是百姓表示他们信仰耶稣及其教训的方法。每位新的皈依者都是一群特殊百姓当中的成员。 他们传播神的道,盼望耶稣基督早日重返地球。

Can you imagine a man being accept­ed into the army of any country, if he refused to obey the orders of the Commander-in-Chief? Jesus Christ, the Christian Leader, said, "If you love me you will obey my commands" (John 14:15). He also said, "Those who believe it (the gospel—the good news of his teaching) and receive baptism will be saved" (Mark 16:16). We must take Jesus at his word if we want to be accepted by him.


Baptism is a life-saving command from Jesus Christ. Philip believed that. He preached in Samaria, so successfully, that "when they came to believe Philip, with his good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, men and women alike were baptized (Acts 8:12). The message of belief, followed by baptism, is at the heart of the New Testament.

洗礼是耶稣拯救生命的命令。腓力相信耶稣的命令。 他在撒马利亚的传教很成功,“及至他们信了腓利所传神国的福音和耶稣基督的名,连男带女就受了洗”(使徒行传812)。洗礼之后信仰的教训是新约圣经里的核心。


2. What does the Bible say about baptism?

2. 圣经是如何介绍洗礼的呢?


Today, many churches sprinkle infants on the head and call it Baptism. This is not the baptism of the Bible. When the Bible speaks of baptism it tells us of adult men and women who make a deliberate choice. They wanted to obey the Lord Jesus and be baptized. They were com­pletely covered in water. This is the baptism of Bible times.


A good example to prove this, is found in Acts 8. Philip talked with an Ethiopian eunuch. He "told him the good news of Jesus" (verse 35). No doubt, while they talked, they were both carrying water for their journeys. It would have been easy for Philip to sprinkle water on the eunuch's head. But the eunuch, who believed the words Philip preached about Jesus, was not baptized until "they came to some water" (verse 36). The eunuch then said, "Look, here is water: what is to prevent my being baptized?" So "they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. When they came up from the water ... the eunuch ... went on his way rejoicing".

使徒行传第8章有一个很好的例子可以证明这一点。 腓利与衣索匹亚的太监谈话。他“对他传讲耶稣” 35节)。毫无疑问,在他们交谈时正为旅行提水。腓利很方便把水洒在监工的头上。但监工相信腓利传教关于耶稣的话,直到“到了有水的地方”(36节)才受洗。 然后监工说:“看哪,这里有水,我受洗有什么妨碍呢?”于是“腓利和太监二人同下水里去,腓利就给他施洗。从水里上来,主的灵把腓利提了去,太监...也不再见他了,就欢欢喜喜的走路。

Notice, they both "went down into" and "came up from" the water. The eunuch was a mature person who believed the things preached by Philip concerning Jesus Christ. He was completely covered by water.

请注意他们俩都“下水里去” 和“从水里上来”。太监是个成年人,他相信腓力关于耶稣基督的传教。他完全浸在了水里


3. What does baptism mean?

3. 洗礼是什么意思呢?


Why do we have to be completely cov­ered by water when we are baptized? God chose immersion in water because it is a very powerful way of showing us that our sins must be forgiven. Believers realise that they need saving from sin and require God's grace. They go under the water in baptism, and die to an old way of life. They come up out of the water to a new life. In baptism, believers identify with the death of Jesus Christ, who died for us.

当我们受洗时为什么要完全浸在水里呢? 神选择沉浸在水里的方法因为它是一种有效果的方法,表明我们的罪已被饶恕。信徒认识到他们需要从罪中得救,需要神的恩典。他们在洗礼时浸到水底,旧的生活方式已经死亡。他们从水中上来得新生。在洗礼时信徒认同耶稣基督的死亡,他为我们而死。

Just as Jesus rose from the dead, they also rise from the waters of baptism to "set out on a new life" (Romans 6:4). Now, believers are God's children, and they desire to please Him. If they do so, He will give them His great gift of ever­lasting life. This will happen when Jesus comes to rule the world (Luke 1:32,33). No wonder Jesus regarded baptism as being so important.

就像耶稣从死亡中复活一样,他们也从洗礼的水中升起“新生的样式” (罗马书64)。现在,信徒成了神的子民,他们希望取悦他。如果他们这样做,他就赐他们永生的礼物。当耶稣来统治世界时会发生这事(路加福音13233)。难怪耶稣把洗礼看得如此重要。


4. Why do I need to be baptized?

4.   为什么需要洗礼呢?


You need to be baptized because, like all mankind, you are dying. We have all earned the wage of sin. Paul tells us "the wage is death” (Romans 6:23). Without God, death is the end.

你需要洗礼是因为你和全人类所有的人一样都是要死的。我们大家都已挣得了罪的工价。保罗告诉我们 “罪的工价乃是死”(罗马书623)。离开神,死亡就是我们最终的结局。

People have a very bad habit of not wanting to think about important issues that they do not like. Death is one of those issues. We must be wise enough to face it. The good news is that God offers us everlasting life; but on His terms. That is fair, as He is the giver of life. Peter tells us, in Acts 2 and 3, that we must take five steps to salvation. They are:


(a) Believe in Jesus Christ and his message.

(b) Repent (have a change of mind, realising that we need God and His forgiveness).

(c) Be converted (turn round and walk towards God).

(d) Obey Jesus by having our sins washed away in baptism.

(e) Continue faithfully in God's way (Acts 2:27-42; 3:18-21).

(a) 信仰耶稣及其教训。

(b) 悔改(有思想改变,认识到我们需要神,需要他的饶恕)。

(c) 归正(转过身来,朝向神)。

(d) 通过洗礼清洗我们的罪孽,顺从耶稣。

(e) 继续信实地走神的道路(使徒行传 227-42318-21)。


God always keeps His promises. He will never let us down. As Jesus said, "No one can snatch them out of the Father's care" (John 10:29).

神始终遵循他的诺言。他从来都不会拒绝我们。正如耶稣说, “谁也不能从我父手里把他们夺去” (约翰福音1029)。


5. Why must I obey God's commands?

5. 我为什么要听从神的命令呢?


The Bible tells us, from Genesis to Revelation, that God is serious. Obedience to God's commands brings life, and disobedience results in death. God always means what He says.


Noah preached to the wicked people of his day (Genesis 6). They had a choice. They could believe Noah's mes­sage, repent and be saved, or ignore it and perish. They ignored it and perished. God did not change His mind. Noah also had a choice. He could build an ark and be saved, or he could reject God's word. He built an ark. "Noah carried out exact­ly all God had commanded him" (verse 22). Because he was obedient, Noah was saved. For us to ignore God's clear com­mand to be baptized is to choose death rather than life.


The jailor at Philippi asked Paul and Silas: "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" (Acts 16:30). The answer came: "Put your trust in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved." He obeyed and was bap­tized.

腓力比的监工问保罗和希拉斯说:“二位先生,我当怎样行才可以得救”(使徒行传1630)?他得到了这样的回答:“当信主耶稣,你和你一家都必得救。” 他顺从并受洗。

Jesus himself, though sinless, was baptized. He said: “ It is right for us to do all that God requires” (Matthew 3:15). Can we, who are sinners, ignore baptism when Jesus didn’t? We must follow his steps in this, as in all things.



6. What must I do now, so that I can ENJOY  LIFE   FOR   EVER   IN   GOD'S KINGDOM?

6. 我必须了解什么才能在神的国里享受永生呢?


To enjoy life for ever, you must take the five steps to salvation; every one of them. The record in Acts 10 concerning Cornelius shows us that just to live a good life, without being baptized, is not good enough. Peter ordered Cornelius "to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ" (verse 48).


Baptism is the start of a new life which will bring you great joy. It will give your life a renewed purpose. In an uncertain world, the God of Peace will give you peace.


Are you wise enough to follow the command of Jesus Christ to believe and be baptized? What a blessing awaits you if you are! God will bless you with life for evermore, when Jesus returns to estab­lish his kingdom.


“The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord."       (Romans 6:23)

因为罪的工价乃是死;惟有神的恩赐,在我们的主基督耶稣里,乃是永生”(罗马书 623)。



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